Pharmacy Product - Types Of Cancer - Commom Types Of Cancers - Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer

The Pancreas
Understanding Cancer
Symptoms & Diagnosis
Staging & Treatment
Getting a Second Opinion
Preparing for Treatment
Methods of Treatment
Side Effects of Treatment
Surgery - Radiation Therapy
Pain Control
Followup Care
Support for Pesuople with Pancreatic Cancer


People with pancreatic cancer may not feel like eating, especially if they are uncomfortable or tired. Also, the side effects of treatment such as poor appetite, nausea, or vomiting can make eating difficult. Foods may taste different. Nevertheless, patients should try to get enough calories and protein to control weight loss, maintain strength, and promote healing. Also, eating well often helps people with cancer feel better and have more energy.

Careful planning and checkups are important. Cancer of the pancreas and its treatment may make it hard for patients to digest food and maintain the proper blood sugar level. The doctor will check the patient for weight loss, weakness, and lack of energy. Patients may need to take medicines to replace the enzymes and hormones made by the pancreas. The doctor will watch the patient closely and adjust the doses of these medicines.