
Pharmacy Product - Types Of Cancer - Commom Types Of Cancers - Bladder Cancer

Bladder Cancer

The Bladder
Understanding Cancer

Symptoms & Diagnosis
Staging & Treatment
Getting a Second Opinion
Preparing for Treatment
Methods of Treatment
Radiation Therapy
Biological Therapy
Followup Care
Support for People with Bladder Cancer
The Promise of Cancer Research

Side Effects of Cancer Treatment

The Bladder

The bladder is a hollow organ in the lower abdomen. It stores urine, the liquid waste produced by the kidneys. Urine passes from each kidney into the bladder through a tube called a ureter.

An outer layer of muscle surrounds the inner lining of the bladder. When the bladder is full, the muscles in the bladder wall can tighten to allow urination. Urine leaves the bladder through another tube, the urethra.

female urinatry Male Urinatry